
Building business resilience to COVID

Business owners are dealing with reduced cashflow, vanishing customers and more.

Business owners around the world continue to struggle under the impact of Covid-19. Things they’re dealing with include reduced cash flow, vanishing customers, setting up new technology, ensuring employee safety, shaky supply chains and diminishing government financial aid. Yet small business owners are showing incredible resilience as they push forward despite these challenges to pivot to new ways of making money.

More than ever, business owners are relying on their business banking partner to help them with financing, advice, resources and support.

In this lively discussion we talk about:

  • What’s happened to small businesses everywhere
  • The 4 Covid-19 stages of small business
  • What banks in different countries are doing to help small business customers
  • Future predictions for small business customers and their banking needs.

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About our presenters

Roger Pierce

Roger is a serial entrepreneur who understands first-hand what it takes to grow a small business. In addition to helping banks and brands engage small business customers, Roger is the author of small business books and has trained hundreds of entrepreneurs in 5 countries.

Glen Senior

Glen has been helping small businesses start and grow since 1989. Along the way he has published 6 books on small business development and business planning, created training courses, built e-learning platforms, and worked with a number or organisations on small business content strategy including Microsoft USA, Bank of America, Royal Mail, Virgin Money, MBIE, Inland Revenue, IPONZ, NZTE and the BNZ. Since 2005 Glen has focused on the banking sector, and has built up an extensive knowledge of how banks can engage with the small business segment. He has presented at a number of small business banking conferences, and is sought out as an opinion leader in this space.

Explore more resources
Relpro and TSBC joint webinar

Growing Your New Commercial Business Pipeline and Leveraging Targeted Content to Increase Deposit Growth

Bankers Whitepaper
Four strategies to build business resilience

Share these strategies with your small business customers to help them build resilience.

Bankers Whitepaper
Financial literacy for small business

Six financial literacy topics small businesses need to pay attention to. How they can improve their financial performance and what financial institutions can do to help their customers survive and grow.

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